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 faster, together

 Join the career skills community. Register for early access to Beta v2


Don't be defined by a degree

Brightmind is a professional skills platform for the impatient - the life-hackers who want to take control of their future and get there faster. It's a friendly place - a community of peers and experts here to help each other succeed. When you're ready to build your professional skills in a supportive and empowering place, we're here for you. 

Brightmind's founders had to be scrappy to get where they are today. They wanted to make it easier for others to build the skills they need to accomplish their professional goals. So they decided to leverage community know-how and machine learning to help aspiring professionals master their craft.


+ Which professions does Brightmind cover?

Our initial focus is on careers trending for our career climber audience. Since we're in beta, we can't cover everything! However, we hope to cover all careers eventually.

+ Who answers my questions on Brightmind?

Your questions on Brightmind can be answered by anyone with experience related to your interests.

+ Does Brightmind offer a credential?

We encourage people to question the value of any credential, and focus instead on the practical skills to get things done. At the same time, we understand the signaling value of credentials. As we grow, we will introduce new ways to show the world what you're made of.

+ I see a progress indicator on the app. How is my progress determined?

Progress is currently automatically determined. In the future we'll add other forms of assessement.

+ Are there any prerequisites for using Brightmind?

Nope. We encourage learners at every level to get on board.

+ Do I have to pay to use Brightmind?

Anyone who installs Brightmind during our beta testing phase will have free access for one year.

Brightmind Blog